Investment in biogas projects in the EU viola-funding May 26, 2024

Investment in biogas projects in the EU

Investment in biogas projects in Europe
Investment in biogas projects in Europe

The European Environment Agency predicts that biowaste, mainly from food, could turn from a global problem into a new energy opportunity for the economy of the future. With recent government initiatives and increased investment in biogas projects in Europe, this waste could soon become a valuable energy source.

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Biowaste as a source of energy for the future

There are two methods for processing this waste, composting and anaerobic digestion. The first method is more widespread, since in an oxygen environment it provides mainly valuable fertilizers for improving the soil. Anaerobic digestion is used to produce biogas, which provides energy and conserves the environment in many ways.

Among the largest fundamental European biogas projects are BERSTBIOSURFBin2GridGR3 and others.

Biogas production is currently most developed in Germany, Norway, Denmark and a number of other countries in Western and Northern Europe.

There are other technologies for the production of biogas, which for various reasons have not become widespread, but hide many possibilities for using biowaste as an energy source. These include pyrolysis, gasification, and hydrothermal carbonation.

Often, waste separation and subsequent purification use expensive equipment and materials that are impractical for industrial use.

Therefore, European experts today propose a number of legislative changes, including special labeling of biodegradable and compostable packaging.

As a reminder, food accounts for over 60% of biowaste in the EU. In turn, biowaste accounts for 35% of urban waste.

According to Eurostat, EU municipalities generated around 250 million tonnes of waste in 2019.

EU discards up to 90 million tons of food, which corresponds to 20% of all food produced, that gave rise to Investment in biogas projects in Europe.

By 2050, Investment in biogas projects in Europe will increase production of green gas by 10 times

Unfortunately, at the moment, renewable gases account for only 7% of domestic consumption in the European Union. Given Europe’s ambitious goals of achieving carbon neutrality by mid-century, countries will need to make significant efforts to scale up their renewable gas production.

Looking at the EU’s long-term scenario until 2050, in which the global temperature rise is capped at 1.5 degrees Celsius, renewable gas production should increase by 50-60% over current levels.

In terms of oil, this increase in green gas production will reach 200-250 million tons.

Investment in biogas projects in Europe are not seen as the backbone of future energy, but an addition to renewable energy sources. 

Although ecologists doubt that biogas can be a real salvation of nature after fossil fuels, biogas production can really reduce the burden on the environment, provide additional income for farmers and become a kind of intermediate point on the energy path of mankind.

Biogas projects in the EU are not seen as the backbone of future energy, but only as an addition to renewable energy sources such as wind or solar energy.

Be that as it may, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) expects bioenergy to grow 15 times between 2020 and 2050.

Most of the investment projects in this area will be concentrated in the EU countries.

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