International engineering: Financing and construction of projects under EPC contracts viola-funding December 10, 2023

International engineering: Financing and construction of projects under EPC contracts

Financing of international engineering projects
Financing of international engineering projects under EPC contracts

Countries such as the United States, Britain, Germany, France and Spain are among the leading exporters of engineering services. Western companies carry out many high-tech projects in Africa, Asia, South America, Eastern Europe, Russia and the countries of the former USSR are playing a giant strand in the Financing of international engineering projects

Infrastructure and the energy sector form the foundation of global economic growth.

Engineering projects in these sectors support the activities of government agencies, private companies and the entire economy.

The demand for engineering projects are growing.

Attracting foreign specialists allows many companies to increase their energy efficiency, labor productivity, competitiveness and the quality of their products.

Financing of international engineering projects is playing a predominant role throughout the global economy.

Engineering activity is a set of operations for the design, construction, reconstruction, modernization and ensuring the effective functioning of enterprises.

The concept of Financing of international engineering projects is based on a systematic approach, modern technologies and the rational use of material, technological, financial and labor resources, taking into account the characteristics of a particular project.

Attracting foreign companies is very important, despite the risks that inevitably accompany the implementation of engineering projects abroad.

International engineering

Due to the uneven distribution of technical and labor resources, there is an increased demand for international engineering services. In developing countries, renewable energy and infrastructure projects are of particular interest.

Exports of engineering services have been growing steadily over the past two decades.

This is facilitated by the introduction of new information transfer technologies. Business strategies are also being updated with an emphasis on the use of outsourcing services.

Reengineering services are an urgent need in an ever-changing environment, especially in the energy and infrastructure sectors.

The services of engineering firms are divided into two large groups.

The so-called technical engineering includes the supply, installation and commissioning of complete equipment, individual machines and units, construction work and so on.

Financing of international engineering projects includes;

Conducting pre-design studies: 

In the initial phase, specialists study a specific market, conduct comprehensive socio-economic studies and plan investments. Based on the collected data, a feasibility study for the project is prepared and a final decision is made regarding its implementation.

Contracting and construction work:

An EPC contractor prepares the necessary contract documentation, organizes tenders and provides recommendations on commercial offers.

In the future, an engineering firm can provide training services for technical personnel of the customer and other services taking into account the specifics of the project.

Financing international engineering projects

Project financing can be carried out both through the use of own funds, and through attracted funds. This could be project finance, corporate finance, budgetary allocations or government loans.

The search for sources of financing is one of the problems of international engineering projects, even for large companies.

Ideally, financing of engineering projects abroad requires an attractive business idea, sound planning and positive opinions from leading industry experts.

Thanks to the participation of the state together with private banks and other financial institutions, these projects attract financing on the most favorable conditions.

Since projects of this kind bring significant benefits to the whole society, the host state often plays an important role in their implementation.

Viola Funding engineering and financial services worldwide: EPC contracts

Viola Funding Limited promotes innovation by providing financial and engineering services worldwide.

Our experts and partners help to build infrastructure, energy and industrial facilities in Spain, Finland, Poland, France, Egypt, Morocco, Chile, Bolivia, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

While some companies commission the construction of subcontractors, others contain their own construction divisions.

Large companies are involved in all phases of international engineering projects.

Our services alongside financing of international engineering projects under EPC contracts include:

project management;
conducting pre-investment research;
detailed feasibility study;
any types of design work;
procurement of materials and equipment;
construction work of any complexity;
advisory support during the operation of facilities;
maintenance and repair.

We cover the entire chain, including financing, conceptual design, feasibility study, engineering, procurement, equipment supply, construction, testing and commissioning, maintenance and modernization.

Our experience opens up endless possibilities for your business.

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