Infrastructure project financing: Lending and loans viola-funding November 12, 2023

Infrastructure project financing: Lending and loans

Financing and loans for infrastructure projects
Financing and loans for infrastructure projects

Long-term financing and loans for infrastructure projects alongside support from international financial institutions, bank loans, bond issues, government subsidies and public-private partnerships are helping to develop infrastructure, accelerating the recovery of the global economy from the protracted crisis.

Financing and loans for infrastructure projects plays a key role in modern business and the growth of the economy based on the development of the transport network.

An increase in the quality and density of roads increases the productivity of all sectors of the economy that use it.

Today, opportunities for financing the construction and modernization of road networks are rapidly expanding and improving.

Viola funding Limited offers advanced financial solutions for the construction of roads, tunnels, bridges and other transport infrastructure around the world.

Among our clients are large private companies and government customers who achieve their goals thanks to flexible financial instruments and qualified services offered by Viola Funding Limited

Available sources of financing for infrastructure projects

Many infrastructure projects continue to be implemented through the allocation of non-repayable financing by the government and local budgets, often without in-depth professional analysis of available financial alternatives.

Accordingly, the approach to financing each project requires a flexible combination of private initiative and experience, government control and external funding.

Unlike the developed countries of Europe or North America, most of the developing countries of the world still do not pay enough attention to these issues.

Financing and loans for infrastructure projects require increased attention of companies to the following:

• Expanding the list of available sources and increasing the pool of financial resources

• Selection of the most suitable funding source or their various combinations within the framework of the project finance concept (PF).

The practice of our financial team shows that there is no single right decision when choosing a source of financing for infrastructure projects. Each project requires a unique set of tools to attract the right resources in line with the investment spending schedule and debt service capabilities.

The construction of roads and bridges usually requires significant capital investments in a short time frame of about 1-2 years. Some infrastructure projects make it possible to recoup costs over several years in the form of road user charges, which requires adapting the loan payment schedule and bond repayment terms accordingly.

We offer our partners large loans from $50 million and above for up to 20 years, providing comprehensive support in the implementation of large projects around the world.

Long-term loans from commercial banks

It is a common source of medium to long term financing for public sector companies involved in the construction and maintenance of infrastructure. For this reason, most potential borrowers are well aware of the bank lending procedure and its benefits.

Large commercial banks around the world are interested in financing infrastructure projects, providing financing to public companies and private borrowers on flexible terms.

Phases of securing a bank Financing and loans for infrastructure projects:

1. Project evaluation and negotiation.
2. Implementation of the project.
3. Control and monitoring.
4. Payment of debt

A long-term Financing and loans for infrastructure projects, construction and modernization of road infrastructure is provided only in cases where the planned cash flows make it possible to service the debt efficiently enough.

Banks are willing to finance toll roads, bridges, tunnels or other infrastructure facilities that imply a regular source of income.

In some cases, the role of commercial banks in the implementation of infrastructure projects is limited to short-term bridging financing. Bridge loans allow project participants to cover current debts while waiting to receive the necessary funds from the main sources.

To finance large infrastructure facilities, commercial banks often create consortia, the number of members of which can number several dozen financial institutions. Syndicated loans allow banks to raise significant amounts and overcome the restrictions associated with the concentration limit.

Loans from international financial institutions

Several international financial institutions provide large long-term loans for infrastructure investments.

These institutions include:

The World Bank.
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
European Investment Bank.
Inter-American Development Bank and others.

Debt financing from international financial institutions is often cheaper than borrowed funds from commercial financial institutions.

In addition, international banks can provide advice at the stage of project preparation, sharing their experience and knowledge. The reputation of such large partners helps to increase the investment attractiveness of projects, opening up ample opportunities for companies to raise capital from alternative sources.

Phases of financing and loans for infrastructure projects through international financing and loans:

2. Detailed analysis of the project and inspection visits of the bank representatives.
3. Assessment of the feasibility of the investment projects.
4. Making a decision on the allocation of financial resources.
5. Signing a loan agreement.
6. Implementation of the infrastructure project.

This process is much more complicated than obtaining a loan from commercial banks. International financial institutions usually have strict requirements for legal and financial documentation, as well as conduct inspections to ensure the feasibility and safety of the project. It takes a lot of time and requires the involvement of a team of specialists from the borrower’s side.

It is also important to take into account the specific conditions for the provision of financing, which in many cases differ. Organizations targeting the development of key projects in developing countries strive to rationally allocate financial resources. For this reason, the World Bank, for example, does not provide loans for projects that could be financed commercially.

Financing and loans for infrastructure projects from local budgets

In fact, the initiators of the project will not need to develop complex procedures for debt recovery and servicing financial flows. Although the initial cost of raising and using budget funds is low, this choice can lead to the loss of the potential benefits of other sources of funding.

Financing and loans for infrastructure projects in each country is limited by legislation. many cannot count on this source of financing.

Decisions on the allocation of budget funds for road construction may be made with a delay, which is associated with the financial balance of the region. This can disrupt the schedule for purchasing building materials, paying for contracts with a contractor and other costs, negatively affecting the timing. In this case, participants may need to seek interim funding sources to meet commitments to partners, which increases the final cost of the project.

It is also necessary to take into account the factor of corruption, which has a significant impact on the implementation of capital-intensive projects in some countries. This unpredictable factor can undermine financial plans and increase the cost of projects.

Supplementary constraints associated with the financing and loans for infrastructure projects by state bodies arise due to countless contradictions in cooperation between various parts of the managements.

Most governments today seek to shift financial responsibility for infrastructure to private capital, thereby reducing budget deficits and saving money for more important projects.

Viola Funding Limited is ready to finance the construction of almost any facility in most countries of the world.

If you are looking for a reliable private partner who has been investing in road infrastructure for many years, contact our specialists. With us you will find advanced solutions to the most ambitious technical and financial challenges.

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