Project financing and investment fund viola-funding August 25, 2023

Project financing and investment fund

Investment funds and project financing
Investment funds and project financing : gateway to large projects

Viola funding Limited focuses on innovation and business development through investment funds.
We support companies and projects at all stages of the life cycle, helping to turn innovative solutions into successful business ventures. Providing a full range of financial services, together with our high-net-worth angel investors and international partners, we concentrate financial resources on projects with high growth potential. We can help you to obtain investment funds and project financing for your large scale innovative projects.

We also focus on collaboration between business and science, helping to overcome the challenges of bringing innovative products and services to market.

We actively finance investment projects in the following industries:

• Energy sector, including renewable energy sources.
• Oil and gas sector, including the liquefied natural gas industry.
• Waste disposal and recycling, as well as WtE technologies.
• Wastewater treatment and desalination plants.
• Extraction and processing of minerals.
• Logistics and infrastructure.
• Agriculture.
• Industry.

Contact us and tell our experts about your business project. Along with international project financing, we also provide engineering and technical services for the successful implementation of the project.

Investment funds and project financing: important roles

Investment funds are targeted at companies willing to share risks and rewards.

In addition to grants, businesses can obtain bank financing (loans) or project financing through equity participation.

Funding projects through these financial instruments in a global context ensures a more efficient use of resources compared to grants, since the funds provided are subject to return, reuse and mobilization of additional co-financing.

To obtain funding from this source, a business will also need a well-structured and well-founded business plan. Young companies may need the support of an incubator or business accelerator to effectively present their project to private equity funds focused on venture capital.

Renewable energies, waste recycling, water treatment and energy efficiency are now on the list of national priorities in many countries.

Viola funding Limited provides international project financing via investment funds anywhere in the world. We can as well provide a verifiable source of funding for your projects and strategic plans.

From the point of view of recipient companies, financing a project by an investment fund ensures that funds are received on favorable terms (lower interest rates, lower collateral, a long financing period, favorable levels of risk) compared to bank lending.

Global largest investment funds

Project financing and investments funds remains a unique opportunity to finance large innovative projects anywhere in the world.

It may sound incredible, but in 2019, the five largest investment funds in the world concentrated in their hands about $ 20 trillion. This is comparable to the GDP of the United States of America or 15 times the GDP of Spain.

Concentrating more than $ 80 trillion of investor funds in their hands. American and European financial companies continue to be the global leaders in project financing.

Professional asset management and balanced financial policy make investment funds the leaders in trust both among investors and among clients implementing large projects with multi-billion dollar investments.

JP Morgan Chase ($ 2.78 trillion) and Fidelity Investments ($ 2.5 trillion), The top five are closed by investment funds.

This is comparable to the GDP of the United States of America or 15 times the GDP of Spain. The five largest investment funds in the world concentrated in their hands about $ 20 trillion. This may sound incredible.

First emerging in Europe in the 19th century, investment funds over the past decades have become one of the most demanded sources of funds for the implementation of large projects in the energy sector, mining, logistics, industry and agriculture.

The main advantages of investment funds for business

It is also the best choice for those willing to share risk and reward, regardless of project outcomes. If a company expects to fund its growth plans with investment funds. Eg, private equity funds spend 5 to 15 years in a company, make it profitable, and then sell their stake to another investor.

Joint investment is based on the accumulation of free financial resources of individual investors.

These resources are professionally managed using science-based asset management and risk minimization techniques.

The advantage of investment funds for business lies in the ease of attracting financing, even in cases where obtaining bank loans is problematic. It remain convenient for companies that generate promising ideas and need to receive significant funds for future cash flows.

Many investment funds, especially those specializing in startups (innovative companies), have minimum requirements for clients, in contrast to commercial banks.

Investment funds and project financing often exceed 20 years, that creates more favorable conditions for large capital-intensive projects.

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