Waste recycling plant financing: Investment loan and lending viola-funding August 15, 2023

Waste recycling plant financing: Investment loan and lending

Waste management in economically developed countries is an attractive investment niche. Every year, about 2 billion tons of municipal solid waste (MSW) is produced in the world. By 2050, the production of this valuable material for processing will grow to 3.5 billion tons per year. Due to the high demand for solid waste disposal, the need for innovative recycling solutions is increasing. This profitable business attracts investors around the world. Our company  specializes in: financing waste recycling plant construction, maintenance and modernization of waste processing plants and waste incinerators etc.

Waste processing plant financing; our service

Viola funding Limited with the present of our high net-worth-angel-investors specializes in: financing, design, construction, maintenance and modernization of waste processing plants and waste incinerators.

Services include:

• Detailed planning and feasibility studies.
• Selection and design of equipment taking into account the type of energy project.
• Holding consultations with authorities and suppliers.
• Development of documents, including a concession agreement.
• Calculation of the total cost of the project and financial modeling.
• Construction of the facility from scratch.
• Testing and commissioning.
• Repair and maintenance.
• Modernization.

Services for the construction of waste processing plants

Whichever business solution you choose, you need a reliable engineering company. Our services include managing all aspects of financing and construction.

You can entrust us with the project, freeing up your time for another business. From the very beginning, we support the client at every step, ensuring the achievement of maximum return on investment and protecting your economic and legal interests.

The modern solid waste management system includes four stages: collection, separation of materials, processing and final disposal.

This process begins in households where waste is collected and separated according to categories: glass, paper, plastic, metals, e-waste, organics and residual waste.

Financing of investment projects by Viola Funding Limited

Project financing (PF) is the most important tool for the implementation and financing of waste recycling plant including the field of environmental protection or waste management. As a rule, these projects involve huge expenses. They cannot immediately bring substantial profit that will satisfy all interested parties.

PF is a separate group of banking products. PF usually refers to corporate banking, as it has a significant credit component. Project finance is well developed in Spanish banks that have access to cheap funds (for example, large national banks with a massive deposit base).

The most important tool for the implementation of large project as financing of waste recycling plant or waste management is project finance.

We work closely with some EU largest banks, including Banco Santander and BBVA, attracting the most favorable financing for the construction of waste processing plants and waste incinerators around the world.

Technologies and equipment for financing waste processing plants

Our partners develop individual technical solutions for waste disposal and recycling for industrial and municipal facilities.

Construction and demolition waste, as well as industrial waste, includes a variety of waste with recoverable materials such as metal, glass, wood and gravel.

Custom C&D / C&I waste recycling plants are being developed with high recycling rates. This means a minimum need for landfills and maximum income from the sale of valuable materials.

Financing waste recycling plant: loans and project finance

Financing waste recycling plant: loans and project finance

Modernization and financing of waste processing plants

Investors may be interested in modern waste processing technologies that have been introduced in Europe and the USA. Among them are unusual and innovative engineering solutions that can make cost-competitive alternatives to established processing methods.

Many of our technologies are aimed at the production of biofuels, the generation of electric and thermal energy, as well as the recovery of valuable materials from waste.

They provide a significant increase in revenue compared to existing equipment, focused only on the production of electric and thermal energy for local users.

The production of biofuels and renewable bioproducts from waste is at a much earlier stage of development than bioenergy. However, this direction looks the most promising for investors.

We are always ready to offer you long-term financing of a waste processing plant or complex on attractive terms.

If you are also interested in services of field of industrial engineering or requires financing for or construction of a waste recycling plant, contact our consultants at any time.

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