Hydroelectric power plants: Long-term loans and project finance viola-funding July 31, 2023

Hydroelectric power plants: Long-term loans and project finance

Hydroelectric power plants financing; loans for plant construction
Hydroelectric power plants financing; loans for plant construction

Due to global warming, depletion of fossil fuels and volatile oil prices, countries around the world are focusing on developing renewable energy strategies as part of the global green energy transition. The construction and financing of hydroelectric power plants (HPP) continues despite the reduction in the cost of other renewable energy sources such as solar power plants, wind farms and biomass systems. According to the Energy Information Administration of the US Department of Energy, hydropower continues to be one of the largest renewable energy sources in the world.

In recent times, the largest countries in the world produce the bulk of renewable energy using water. In particular, China is the leader in the hydropower production (1,145 TWh), which is significantly higher than the indicators of Canada and Brazil, which rank second and third in the ranking with values of 388 TWh and 367 TWh, respectively.

Viola Funding Limited develops comprehensive solutions for the financing and construction of power plants of any size under an EPC contract.

Hydroelectric power plants financing would help provide reliable power supply to industrial enterprises and stability of the power grid.

Experience based on the successful implementation of renewable energy projects in many countries of the world will be the key to the success of your business.

Benefits of hydroelectric power plants construction and financing

Currently, the leaders in the pace of construction of hydroelectric power plants are the countries of East Asia, which need cheap electricity for their growing industries. Growth in hydropower in Europe and North America has slowed significantly, reaching a peak in the last years of the last century. Historically, hydropower was one of the earliest renewable energy sources. As a technologically simple and reliable technology, HPPs of various types have been actively developed around the world for more than a century.

Understanding the benefits of hydropower is important for investors.

This helps to carefully weigh the strengths and weaknesses of various energy sources, finding the best options for the implementation of specific business projects. When choosing an energy source for a specific project, our engineering team conducts numerous studies. We focus on customer needs and current standards, developing optimal business solutions.

Equipment supply for hydroelectric power plants

The HPP equipment list includes various types of turbines, generators, electric motors, water pumps, pipelines, shut-off equipment and much more. We suggest taking a closer look at the equipment listed above in order to get a better idea of the work ahead.

The choice of equipment for the construction of hydropower plants is a complex technical task that requires a series of studies and comparative analyzes, as well as multi-stage consultations with the client and potential suppliers.

Our underwritten team will take care of all your concerns.

Hydro turbines: A hydraulic turbine is an engine that converts the energy of a water flow into rotational energy of a shaft. All used turbines are classified into active and reactive turbines.

In general, reactive turbines are classified into radial-axial, axial, and diagonal. Inside the radial-axial hydraulic turbines, the water flow will move radially before entering the impeller, and then in the axial direction.

In turn, the flow of water in the impeller of an axial hydraulic turbine maintains an axial direction throughout the entire length of the system. This group includes vertical and horizontal hydraulic turbines.

The choice of a water turbine for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant is carried out simultaneously with the choice of other hydromechanical equipment at the early stages of the engineering design of the facility. This choice is always based on the results of the most detailed technical and economic calculations, taking into account the operating conditions of the HPP.

When determining the most suitable unit, the engineering team proposes several options, for each of which the main operating parameters, investment costs, capacity and generation are calculated.

Equipment for water supply to hydraulic turbines

HPP engineering design pays attention to other hydraulic structures, such as pumping devices.

The pumping devices actually convert kinetic energy into pressure energy of the water stream.

Hydroelectric power plant and its Electrical equipment

Depending on the location, hydro generators are classified into horizontal and vertical.

Hydro-generators are electrical units that convert the mechanical energy of rotation of the shaft of a hydraulic turbine into electricity. This equipment consists of a rotor and a stator.

When choosing equipment for large hydroelectric power plants, engineers, as a rule, give preference to vertical suspended or umbrella type hydro generators. Horizontal hydrogenerators, in turn, are used in many modern projects of small hydroelectric power plants with low-power turbines.

Hydromechanical equipment for HPPs

Hydromechanical equipment includes protective grids, gates, lifting mechanisms, transportation equipment, grating cleaning devices, etc.

The choice of this equipment depends on the layout and operating conditions of the HPP.

Despite its apparent simplicity, properly designed hydromechanical equipment plays a key role in keeping the facility running smoothly.

Are you looking for funding for the construction of a hydroelectric power plant under an EPC contract?

Viola Funding Limited will provide professional assistance to your business at any stage of the project.

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