International bank loans and lending for businesses and large infrastructure viola-funding August 22, 2023

International bank loans and lending for businesses and large infrastructure

International bank loans and lending
International bank loans and lending for medium and large business

The development of technologies, a powerful political impulse, concentration of capital, improvement of communications and transport require large players to develop new markets and use international bank loans and lending for the development and implementation of capital-intensive projects, both at home and around the world.

Raising international capital is becoming one of the most effective and affordable ways to finance a business and ensure its sustainable growth.

International financing of large business takes on a variety of forms, from lending to foreign trade operations to project financing for the construction of new facilities and long-term investment loans from international banks.

Raising international capital is becoming one of the most effective and affordable ways to finance a business and ensure its sustainable growth.

Today it is a key factor in the success of any company’s international expansion. That is why there is a growing demand for the services of professionals with experience of fruitful cooperation with the EBRD, IFC, large portfolio investors and other international players in the financial market.

Viola Funding Limited offers international project financing and long-term international loans from € 50 million on flexible terms.

In conditions of limited resources and increased risk, external financing becomes especially important for any business project in the energy, oil and gas sector, heavy industry, agriculture, tourism and other industries.

International bank and investment loans

Most often, international investment loans issued for a long term for the implementation of large projects with the participation of companies from several countries. Usually, such a loan has flexible conditions, including the so-called grace period, during which loan servicing is limited to interest without repayment of the main part of the loan.

Depending on the purpose of the loan provided to the company, we can divide them into investment loan and working capital loan.

The purpose of the investment loan is to increase the company’s fixed assets, that is, the purchase / construction of buildings, machinery, equipment and finished technological lines that serve for any investment purposes.

Also in great demand are loans for restructuring, intended for restructuring the economic structure of the company, restoring financial liquidity in the medium and long term.

Investment loan can finance the acquisition of two types of assets: see below;

• Tangible assets and • Intangible assets.

Intangible assets group includes the purchase of licenses, patents, securities, research and development costs in various areas with commercial potential. while tangible assets including the purchase of real estate, industrial equipment, vehicles etc.

In practice, companies most often take investment loans to set up or increase the production capacity of an existing plant.

In the proposals of large banks and other financial institutions providing investment loans at the international level, one can find a wide range of conditions (maturity, interest rate, collateral for receivables).

Some banks may offer repayment of the loan after a grace period – for example, after 1-3 years from the date of the loan.

Large investment bank loans from foreign banks

International bank loans and lending from foreign financial institutions are most often used to finance investment projects.

A feature of this source of funding is, among other things, a strict definition of the type of recipient company, as well as the industry and / or type of projects funded.

Usually, international bank loans for large businesses are provided for 12-15 years, with the possibility of establishing a grace period.

Viola Funding Limited specialized in financing large companies in industries such as renewable energy, heavy industry, oil and gas, infrastructure and logistics, real estate and tourism.

If you are looking for a long-term investment loan for the implementation of a capital-intensive project, contact our experts for advice.

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